My Wargaming Week, 24th April 2016

Hello one and all.

The painting had not zipped along this week but I have just finished off the grenadier battalion that I blogged about last week. These have been poshed-up by painting black gaiters over the sculpted overalls.

Yesterday I spruced-up and rebased the infantry component of Pulaski's Legion. These were originally converted and painted 15 years ago. I think they still hold up pretty well even if the greenstuff helmets are a wee bit rough and ready.

The six figures can deploy as skirmishers...

...or they can form up:

Lastly I have begun rebasing the light dragoons of Pulaski's Legion. I haven't really done much repainting to these, just highlighted the red areas and redone the saddlebags. As you can see my techniques might have changed but overall the figures from 15 years ago look pretty similar to the ones painted this week.

The painting has been slowed by some experiments with architecture.

I have wanted a model to act as the Chew House at Germantown for a while. There is currently nothing commercially available for my 28mm chaps to fight over, and if there was it would be a very big model. What I need is something of a more manageable size, that I can place troops in and is recognisably in the style of the original.

The Chew House looks like this:

I came across this Police House on the warbases site for a reasonable price:

With some botching and blundering so far it looks like this:

There is no rush for completion as I'm not planning a Germantown game just yet and still need to finish a few more figures for Partizan. I'll just keep tinkering away and post updates. The next headache is making suitable chimneys.



  1. Great progress.......great idea with the building...interested so see how it turns out😀

  2. Fabulous work, I really like the basing ideas for those skirmishers and the house is looking amazing already.

  3. Excellent progress. Like the work on the house and look forward to seeing it finished

  4. Great work, Steve. I've been working on Pulaski's Legion as well, as it happens - if you wanted to dismount some of the cavalry themselves, King's Mountain Miniatures do Continental dragoons on foot and have heads for the legion. The Chew House looks very good - that model looks an excellent fit.

    Best wishes



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